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Site History

It all began with the decision to have my own fanfiction archive. Thus Luinthoron's FictionPage was born. First it was located on my account, later on a free account at Zone Media. On 31. August 2002, while still on, I registered Luinthoron.TK as a free redirecting domain. This domain later also followed my move to Zone. My first fanlisting, then also located on the same Zone account was approved on 15. October 2003 and online soon after that. On 19. December 2003, Luinthoron.TK was finally bought as a paid .TK domain and became hosted on a Zone virtual server. Some time after that, my only fanlisting moved to Fans.Luinthoron.TK and soon others joined it.

In the beginning of 2005 it became apparent that some ISPs in the USA and probably other places had started blocking .TK domains. It also saw me closing my fanfiction archive due to lack of time from my part and lack of interest from authors and readers. By May 2005 I was already quite sure I wanted a new domain. On 08. June 2005, Yours-to-Break.Net was bought and hosting was found at Surpass Hosting. Hopefully, this will be the last time I'll change my personal domain.

On 03. January 2006, Luinthoron.TK was finally closed on the Zone virtual server after its paid hosting time had run out. It was still redirecting to this site and set up as an add-on domain to my Surpass account. By now the domain has expired.

Other add-on domains have been added later. These include Villetta.Nu for Code Geass related fanlistings, Make-Revolution.Net for the T.M. Revolution fanlisting and other related fanlistings, EXIA.CC for Gundam-related fanlistings, and most recently Reiji-Maigo.Net as the new domain for the fanlisting collective formerly found on the fl subdomain.

Layout version 2 went online on 03. January 2008.

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